So it's just six days to go until Mitzvah Day - a day when you give up your time and not your money. It's nearly midnight and I guess it'll be another long night! Tonight
I spent the evening with the volunteer team at the Habonim Dror offices. This
is where we have our temporary base and they have looked after us for the past
few months. We were packing up all the Mitzvah Day goodies (t shirts, bunting,
stickers etc) and considering how we will all look in eco friendly green t
We have thousands of people lined up to take place in Mitzvah Day this Sunday. Within the past four days we have had several new partners join all wanting to run a mitzvah day – Liverpool King David Primary school, Liverpool Chabad, SWESRS and Woodside Park United Shul. We have run out of materials and rushed to the printers today for some extra stickers so everyone taking part can have something at least.
We have 26 Mitzvah Day shopping projects due to take place round the country where volunteers ask shoppers to buy extra and that item is taken to the needy. I do hope it isn’t going to rain or all the lovely bunting will be ruined. This project is with GIFT who run great volunteering projects and take food to the hungry.
We are also helping WJR with their fabulous family packathon sending clothes to Eastern Europe. We have eight teams of teens and accompanying adults from across the religious devide all going along to work together. Really exciting and a big buzz.
Another charity I am excited we are supporting is Norwood. They are running projects and seem to have endless great ideas.
Both the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish News have been incredibly supportive of Mitzvah Day. I think we have tapped into a nerve. What I don’t really know is whether people are inspired by Mitzvah Day because of the volunteering and the projects, the cross communality, the inter faith possibilities or just because they simply love green t shirts!